Resources for Poster Design
Helpful Design Tips
- Arial or Times New Roman are the recommended fonts for readability and compliance with the TTU Identity Guidelines
- 72 point or larger for poster titles
- 36-54 point for section titles
- 24-30 point for body text (at least 20 point is recommended)
- Font sizes may vary depending on the viewing distance and amount of text to be included.
- Zoom to "Fit" to see all of your poster
- Zoom to 100% to see the actual printed size. Move back about 3 feet (or the anticipated viewing distance) and see if it is readable.
- Zoom to 50% to make editing easier.
- Avoid using small graphics downloaded from the web. They typically have very low resolution and are not scalable for poster printing.
- Scan images at high resolution and reduce it later if necessary.
- Be sure photos have good contrast and brightness for printing. Test on your home color printer to verify.
- Avoid using busy patterns or images as the background, because they make text difficult to read.
- TTU Identity Guidelines:
- prohibit the use of TTU logos as backgrounds
- the Double T may be placed in the footer of the poster
- the academic shield should be placed in the title banner or header.
- Plain backgrounds with contrasting text will make your text easier to read.
- Avoid using heavy solid color backgrounds because extensive ink saturation will give your paper a wavy appearance.
Click on a thumbnail to download a template
36" x 48" Templates
42" x 56" Templates:
Click on a thumbnail to open new browser window with higher resolution image, then right-click to save or copy the image:
Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development Center
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806.742.0133 -