Texas Tech University


  • Exam prep time will be scheduled 15 minutes prior to the exam time. Students should be in their seat by the “Prep Time”. The following items will be permitted in the exam seating area: laptop with privacy screen, power cord, pen/pencil, a drink in a clear unlabeled container, a wireless mouse, and un-corded ear plugs. If you have any other items in your seating area, an exam proctor will ask you remove these items. Bags, purses, and backpacks can be left in the front of the exam room. Items such as study materials, cellphones, watches, hats, and large coats, and hoodies must be stored in your backpack.
  • Late to Examination Policy: Students must arrive 5 minutes prior to the examination designated “Begin” time. If you arrive after that time, as designated by ID logging software, you will be considered late and your exam score will be lowered by 2%. If someone has already completed the exam, you will not be permitted to take the exam and must take a make-up examination to be scheduled with examination services. Any students who are late will be referred to the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs.
  • Missed Examination Policy: Requests for excused absences for exams must be made in writing to the Office of Academic Affairs. Students who miss an examination must meet with the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, who will make a decision if the absence is excused or unexcused. If the absence is unexcused the student will receive a zero on that exam.
  • Examinations for students with excused absences (make-up exams) will be given within one week of the original exam date in most instances. Make-up exams may consist of a combination of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essays. Students with excused absences will not be penalized in terms of grading. If the final course grades must be submitted to the registrar prior to the date of the make-up exam, the students will receive a grade of “Incomplete” (I). Once the student takes the make-up exam, their final course grade will be calculated and submitted to the registrar. At that point, the “Incomplete” grade will be changed to the grade the student achieved in the course.
  • Students may be excused from examinations and given make-up examinations, with permission from the Office of Academic Affairs, for attendance at a scientific meeting where the student is presenting an abstract, paper, or poster of their research, receiving an award, or otherwise officially representing the School.
  • Exam Honor Code and Policies: Dishonesty of any kind on examinations, unauthorized possession of examination questions, duplication of examination questions, the use of unauthorized notes during an examination, obtaining information during an examination from another student, assisting others to cheat, altering grade records, or illegally entering an office are examples of, but not inclusive of, instances of cheating and are violations of appropriate student conduct and professionalism. Once you enter the exam room, all of the information you receive will be considered confidential. Do NOT discuss contents of exams or passwords with students not present during exam day. Excessive looking around the room or looking at other exam takers' screens can be construed as suspicious behavior. All the above can be considered academic dishonesty. Any student suspected to have engaged in academic dishonesty or violating any exam requirement will be referred to the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs and/or the Continuation of Study Committee.
  • After finishing your exam, you must leave the exam area. Please do not congregate outside the exam room. It is disruptive to your classmates still taking the exam, and students going on bathroom breaks may overhear conversations.
  • Restroom breaks should be limited to emergencies only. Proctors will monitor bathroom usage and allow only person at a time. You must sign out/in for restroom breaks. During restroom breaks you must avoid any talking and use the designated restrooms for your exam area. Extended or frequent bathroom usage will institute a courtesy visit by a proctor or faculty member.
  • In order to help create a secure testing environment, all students are required to have a privacy screen on the device being used to take an exam. If a student does not have a privacy screen, they will be required to use a loaner computer. After two exams with no privacy screen, the student will be referred to the Office of Academic Affairs.
  • Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE): A Clinical Skills clinical practical exam (OSCE), related to competency of veterinary knowledge, skills, and professionalism will be administered to all students during each semester. Professional Skills OSCE will be completed either in small group settings, as part of an integrated OSCE, or via client actor examination room scenarios each semester. Unprofessional dress or conduct will result in points being deducted from an OSCE. Due to the nature of the examinations, make-ups are not allowed except for extreme hardship such as the death of an immediate family member or illness or injury requiring hospitalization. A verifiable excuse, with documentation, will be required in all such instances and its authenticity will be checked. Any falsification of the excuse will be deemed a violation of the Student Honor Code and will be met with disciplinary action, which may be up to and including dismissal from the program.
  • Students not able to pass an OSCE must remediate prior to the next semester or clinical course. The remediation program is determined by a team of full-time faculty and is individualized to ensure a level of satisfaction prior to advancement. If unable or unwilling to complete remediation, students will have the options of repeating the entire semester, or withdrawal from the program. Sixth semester students will not be allowed to proceed to clinical rotations until they have obtained a passing grade in all coursework.