Texas Tech University

Contact Information, E-mail, Messages, and Social Media

  • We understand that communication platforms can change over time, and that members of the Veterinary School community communicate in a variety of ways (e.g., social media, email, telephone, text message, U.S. mail). While recognizing that there are a number of communication methods, the School of Veterinary Medicine's official means of communication is through the university email account. Each student is expected to check their university email account and message box daily. Use of TTU e-mail follows the policies outlined in the TTU IT Security Policies document on e-mail. We fully expect faculty, staff, and students to use e-mail in a respectful manner in line with our Core Values. To avoid overloading inboxes with e-mail, announcements and other informational material may be distributed via newsletters, bulletin boards, web pages, or listservs.
  • Students are required to update their permanent address, local address, and telephone numbers as soon as feasible after a change. The veterinary school and university use these means to communicate official notices, and each student will be responsible for complying with any notices and requirements sent by any of these means. If students have changes in surname, it is requested that those changes be made between semesters to avoid inconsistencies in grade reporting.
  • Posting of material relating to any laboratory, veterinarian, staff, client, or patient from the SVM or at a clinical site in any form to any public or social networking site is strictly forbidden. No commentary, photos of any animals, animal tissues, veterinarian, staff, client, or patient may be posted without the written approval of the Instructor of Record or client involved and the institution where the patient was seen. Students are required to maintain and respect client and patient confidentiality as well as respect the dignity of all animals and their owners. Posting of material without appropriate permissions may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
  • Photo Policy: Photography or any use of recording devices (e.g., film or digital cameras, camera phones, sound recorders) is strictly prohibited in animal use areas, unless specifically approved by the TTU SVM.