Texas Tech University

External Scholarships

Students receiving a scholarship from an outside agency must notify the Scholarship Office to have the scholarship posted to the student's account. Donors may mail scholarship checks to:

Texas Tech University
Scholarship Office
West Hall, Room 310
Box 45011
Lubbock, TX 79409-5011

External scholarship recipients receive offers and are selected by agencies or committees outside of Texas Tech, and TTU is not responsible for establishing criteria or participating in the selection or notification of recipients.


External Scholarship Tips

  • A great deal of time can be spent researching external scholarships, and we encourage students to develop a focused plan to best utilize their time.
  • Students should visit with their academic advisor regarding organizations relevant to their major focus (i.e. national organizations based on discipline) so they can develop a smart search plan. Narrowing the external scholarship search to a specific field and organization will enable students to focus on the most applicable opportunities. Most external organizations want to identify students with specific skill sets. In turn, their marketing is focused on organizations that these students would most likely be involved with. 

Listed below are organizations that provide additional information to assist students with searching for scholarships, as well as general college financial information.

As you explore for outside scholarships, please remember that you should never pay for a scholarship search. Learn more about scholarship scams.


  • The suggested search sites on this website are provided for informational purposes only.
  • Inclusion in the listing does not constitute an endorsement by TTU.
  • The Scholarship Office cannot guarantee the accuracy or the timeliness of information found at any of the links in the listing. It is critical that you verify the information, particularly where deadlines are concerned.
