Texas Tech University

Michael Farmer, PhD

Associate Professor
Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: michael.farmer@ttu.edu

Phone: 806.834.6996

Dr. Michael Farmer


Dr. Farmer is a Natural Resource Economist who works on issues of long run land use change. Most long run land use issues center on early adoption of natural resource management protocols that accommodate stable long run outcomes. Topics center on long run surface water and groundwater management and planning, isolation of zoning practices that accommodate future changes in urban and suburban commercial and residential landscape, identification of productive research priorities that facilitate future productive food, fiber and energy activities in semi-arid regions in the US and abroad, and facilitation of economic regional development visioning among small rural landholders in Africa and South East Asia. Dr. Farmer graduated from Ohio State University in 1993 and worked as a faculty member at the Agricultural University of Norway, the Georgia Institute of Technology and, since 2005, Texas Tech University.

Agricultural Sciences 204-C

Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

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    Texas Tech University, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
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