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Current Members

Guofeng Cao is a GIS professor at Texas Tech University, also the director of STAR lab. His research primarily focuses on developing statistical methods and high performance computing methods to characterize and model spatial and spatiotemporal patterns. He was broadly trained in earth sciences, computer science, applied statistics, geographic information science and remote sensing. He also has several years of experiences in software industry before moving back to academia. Please see his page for more details.

Jimin Chun is a PhD student in the Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech. With a background in atmospheric science, her dissertation is to investigate the impact of land surface changes (e.g., land use and land cover) on atmospheric dynamics across multiple geographic scales.

Chan-mi Lee is a Master student in the Geography group of the Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech. She did her undergraduate in Geography at the University of Oklahoma. Her thesis work focuses on applications of GIS and geospatial technologies in environmental health.

Lab Alumni

Congliang Zhou was a Master student in the Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech. With a focus on geostatistics and remote sensing, his topic is to develop machine learning methods to understand the spatiotemporal dynamics in massive remote sensing imagery.

Naizhuo Zhao was a postdoctoral research associate at STAR lab. He finished his PhD in Geography from Texas State University in 2014, His expertise is using remote sensing imagery, particularly nighttime light imagery, to study the impact of human activity on urban and natural systems.

Ying Liu was a PhD student in the Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech. With a focus on environmental remote sensing, her dissertation topic was to develop spatiotemporal methodologies to understand the human and natural factors in environmental pollution distribution, and evaluate the associated impact on public health outcomes.

Feixiong Luo was a PhD student in the Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech. He had been working on the development of new spatiotemporal analytics for large-scale location-based social media data. He is currently taking leave at

Morgan Kraft was a Master student in the Geography group of Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech. His thesis topic as to investigate the bias and uncertainty issues of location-based social media (e.g., Twitter) in representing real-world social processes, and evaluate the possible consequences.

Ashley Morris was a Master student in the Geography group of Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech. Her topic was the emergence management in natural hazards. She is particularly interested in using GIS to map and enhance the community resilience to tornado hazards.

Wei Zhang is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Texas Tech. He worked in STAR lab as a graduate research assistant during 2015-2016. He helped develop high performance data mining methods for location-based social media data.

Visiting Scholars

Bo Zhong is a research scientist at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Science. He had visited STAR lab during October 2015 to March 2016.