Texas Tech University



THECB Definition:
Defined as the status of a personnel position, or a person occupying a position or occupation, with respect to permanence of the position. It is the academic tradition of guaranteeing continuing employment to faculty members who have demonstrated a high level of performance in the areas of research, teaching, and service. Tenure decisions are usually made for tenure track faculty in the fifth year of employment. The data summary of ’tenure’ on the CBM008 edit is based on this field, not including "Flexible Entry only" records. A similar tenure item is on the university class report, CBM004, since the faculty report is not reported early enough in the funding terms of an appropriation year to be used to determine how many undergraduate classes are taught by tenure or tenure-track faculty. Certain faculty reported with no tenure, but who have special qualifications, are identified on the class report so they may be used in the undergraduate SCH taught computation if approved by the legislature. The additional categories are faculty with a terminal degree in the discipline, faculty with appropriate professional certification, and faculty who have extensive and recognized accomplishment in a field. (Univ CBM004; Univ, HRI CBM008) degree/certificate-seeking.
TTU Definition:
Faculty who earn tenure are afforded the right to regular annual appointments subject to the conditions of employment and assignments in effect each year.

Institutional Research

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