Texas Tech University

Nancy E. McIntyre

nancy mcintyreCurator of Birds, Natural Science Research Laboratory, Museum of TTU

Professor, Landscape and Community Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University



Ph.D., Zoology, Colorado State University, 1998
M.S., Zoology, University of Georgia, 1993
B.S., Magna cum laude, Zoology, University of Georgia, 1991

Dr. McIntyre's Curriculum vitae | Dr. McIntyre's Publications | Dr. McIntyre's Laboratory

Research Interests

Broadly speaking, my research interests include landscape ecology and community ecology in grasslands and urban ecosystems. More specific interests focus on the effects of anthropogenic changes to the environment (especially agriculture and urbanization, the two dominant forms of human land use) on the abundance, diversity, and long-term viability of animals. The research projects conducted by me and my students typically focus on arthropods and birds, but the organism used is not as important as the research question being asked.

Web Links

Biology Faculty Page

NSRL Bird Collection Home

Google Scholar Profile

Contact Information

Office Phone: (806)834-7977
Lab Phone: (806)742-2729
Email: nancy.mcintyre@ttu.edu

Selected Publications

Chipman, E.D., N.E. McIntyre, R.E. Strauss, M.C. Wallace, J.D. Ray, and C.W. Boal. 2008. Effects of human land use on Western Burrowing Owl foraging and activity budgets. Journal of Raptor Research 42:87-98.

Craig, C.N., B.A. Reece, and N.E. McIntyre. 2008. Nestedness in playa odonates as a function of area and surrounding land-use. Wetlands 28:995-1003.

McIntyre, N.E., and J.J. Rango. 2009. Arthropods in urban ecosystems: community patterns as functions of anthropogenic land use. Pp. 233-242 in:Ecology of Cities and Towns: A Comparative Approach (M.J. McDonnell, A.K. Hahs, and J.H. Breuste, eds.). Cambridge University Press, New York, NY.

McIntyre, N.E., and R.E. Strauss. 2013. A new, multi-scaled graph visualization approach: an example within the playa wetland network of the Great Plains. Landscape Ecology 28:769-782.

Niemelä, J., J.H. Breuste, T. Elmqvist, G. Guntenspergen, P. James, and N.E. McIntyre, eds. 2011. Urban Ecology: Patterns, Processes, and Applications. Oxford University Press.

Phillips, R.S., W.B. Ballard, M.C. Wallace, J.H. Brunjes, E.B. Fish, N.E. McIntyre, and S.J. DeMaso. 2011. Rio Grande wild turkey habitat associations during dispersal. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium 10:213-225.

Reece, B.A., and N.E. McIntyre. 2009. Community assemblage patterns of odonates inhabiting a wetland complex influenced by anthropogenic disturbance. Insect Conservation and Diversity 2:73-80.

Reece, B.A., and N.E. McIntyre. 2008. Dragonfly (Odonata: Anisoptera) holdings of The Museum of Texas Tech University. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Texas Tech University 279. 13 pp.

Natural Science Research Laboratory