Texas Tech University

Tahoka Daisy, Tansy Aster

Machaeranthera tanacetifolia

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia

Machaeranthera tanacetifolia Photo Gallery

Machaeranthera tanacetifolia Plant Information

Scientific Name: Machaeranthera tanacetifolia
Common Name: Tahoka daisy

tansy aster
Family: Asteraceae
Suggested Uses: annuals, natives
Plant Form: upright, rounded, spreading
Height: 4 - 16 inches
Spread: 8 inches
Foliage: much branched and bushy

glandular, hairy, sticky, deeply cut foliage
Flower: ray and disc solitary flowers, 1.25-2.5"

purple rays and yellow discs
Bloom Period: Summer
Sun: full sun
Water: low water requirement
Soil: prefers sandy soils
Heat Tolerance: high heat tolerance
Native Range: Texas Panhandle and Trans-Pecos
Maintenance: rapid growth rate

propagation by seed
Additional Notes: useful for naturalistic landscapes

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