Texas Tech University

Mexican Petunia

Ruellia caerulea

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Ruellia caerulea

Ruellia caerulea Photo Gallery

Ruellia caerulea Plant Information

Scientific Name: Ruellia caerulea
Common Name: Mexican petunia
Family: Acanthaceae
Suggested Uses: perennial, beds & borders, natives
Plant Form: upright, spreading
Height: 2 - 3 feet
Spread: 1 - 2 feet
Foliage: narrow, opposite pubescent leaves
Flower: large terminal clusters of violet or white, funnel-shaped flowers
Bloom Period: Summer
Sun: light shade - full sun
Water: medium water requirement
Soil: adaptable
Heat Tolerance: high heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 8 - 11
Native Range: Mexico
Maintenance: invasive spread by both seed and rhizomes

thick roots with a swelling just below the soil surface require that this plant be dug for removal

plant in areas where the spread can be contained

propagation by seed
Wildlife: attracts butterflies
Additional Notes: common to the woodland edge

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