Texas Tech University

Croton, Joseph's Coat

Codiaeum variegatum
Interior Potted Plants

Variegated croton - sometimes called Joseph's coat - is a reliable interior specimen plant for its colorful, glossy foliage.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Codiaeum variegatum

Codiaeum variegatum Photo Gallery

Codiaeum variegatum Plant Information

Scientific Name: Codiaeum variegatum
Common Name: variegated croton

Joseph's coat
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Suggested Uses: interior specimen, permanent color
Plant Form: upright, rounded
Height: 3 - 4 feet
Spread: 3 - 4 feet
Foliage: shrub with highly colored, coarse-textured, glossy leaves

variegation along veins with color combinations of dark green, light green, yellow, red, and pink

leaves may be lobed or entire
Flower: flowers are not the primary ornamental value

Light Requirement: high exposure (sunny to semi-sunny location)
Water: medium water requirement
Soil: moist soil with a low pH
Heat Tolerance: medium heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 10 - 11
Native Range: Western Pacific Rim
Maintenance: keep slightly damp
Pests & Pathology: susceptible to spider mites
Additional Notes: hundreds of cultivars available

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