Texas Tech University

Aman Khan, Ph.D.

Professor/ Public Administration
Political Science

Email: aman.khan@ttu.edu

Phone: 834-4045

Curriculum Vita

Holden Hall 114

Aman Khan, Ph.D., is a Professor of Political Science and Public Administration at Texas Tech University, where he teaches public budgeting, financial management, and cost and managerial accounting for government and non-profit organizations. He is the author and co-author of several dozen publications in professional journals and edited volumes, including eight books. His most recent publications include Forecasting Government Budgets: Methods and Applications (coauthor: Kenneth Kriz), Cost and Optimization in Government (3rd edition), Fundamentals of Public Budgeting and Finance, and US Infrastructure: Challenges and Directions for the 21st Century (coeditor: Klaus Becker). Trained as an economist and planner, Dr. Khan has an MS in Urban & Regional Planning, an MA in Economics, and a Ph.D. in Public Administration with specializations in public budgeting and finance.  He previously served as Director of the Graduate Program in Public Administration at Texas Tech University and briefly taught graduate finance at a business school. Dr. Khan is the founder and current Director of the Institute of Governmental Finance, which provides, among others, professional training to middle and upper-level managers in government and elected officials.

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Department of Political Science

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    Dept. of Political Science, Texas Tech University, 113 Holden Hall, Boston & Akron Streets, Lubbock, TX 79409-1015 Fax: 806.742.0850
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