Texas Tech University

Duke Appiah, Ph.D., MPH

Associate Professor
Public Health
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Duke Appiah is an epidemiologist with advanced training in epidemiologic methods focusing on statistical theory and analysis. His primary research goals are broad and directed at understanding the etiology and prevention of chronic diseases, specifically cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity with emphasis on women, reproductive health, and, minority as well as underserved populations. Other research interests of his include the intersection of infectious and chronic diseases on long-term health. He also has expertise in the design and analysis of observational studies and trials as well as comprehensive and specialized knowledge of statistical programming and analysis pertaining to systematic review and meta-analysis, mixed-effects or multilevel models, survival analysis (frailty models, competing risk events, repeated-events failure times), risk prediction, missing data imputation methods, mediation analysis, generalized estimating equations, and generalized linear regression methodology.

Research Interests

  • Chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and aging especially in minority and underserved populations
  • Women and reproductive health epidemiology
  • The role of infectious diseases on chronic diseases and long-term health
  • Applied statistics