Strategic Plan
Mission Statement
Our mission is to analyze, design, and provide high caliber, professional programming solutions to support academic processes, such as online Learning, eCommerce transactions, and data security.
Vision Statement
Application Development and Support will provide programming solutions that enhance the student experience, facilitate staff and faculty work and cultivate institutional efficiencies.
Application Development and Support is committed to the values of:
- Excellent customer service;
- Professional service;
- Ethical treatment;
- Shared project responsibility and accountability;
- Teamwork;
- Professionalism and integrity; and
- Continuous quality assessment and improvement
Goal 1 Access and Diversity: Customer Focus
Develop solutions based on customer need, and access requirements, which contribute to their success.
Goal 2 Human Resources and Infrastructure: Organization
Maintain a professional well-trained organization able to design and deliver robust, effective solutions
Goal 3 Teaching, Learning and Research support: Leadership
Provide the University developer community with direction, consultation and training
Goal 4 Contribution to the Institutional and Divisional Strategic Goals: Innovation
Design and develop innovative solutions using the best available technologies and processes
Goal 1 Access and Diversity: Customer Focus
Understand the customer need first then understand what can contribute to their success.
Critical Success Factors
- Increase the number of users served per application.
- Customer satisfaction is at a minimum of 80%.
- Increase the amount of business and transactions performed online.
- Maintain a relevant and useful inventory of maintained applications.
Objective 1.1:
Develop and maintain University wide solutions to enhance the teaching and learning mission of the University.
- Review existing projects for commonalities, which combined can offer a University wide solution.
- Collect ideas through informal or direct contacts with current customers.
- Track number of and type of projects completed
- Track estimated number of faculty, staff and students impacted
- Track maintenance hours spent on existing applications
Objective 1.2:
Provide custom business solutions to improve and streamline University processes.
- Review existing projects for commonalities, which combined can offer a University wide solution.
- Collect ideas through informal contacts with current customers.
- Track number of and type of projects completed
- Track estimated number of faculty, staff and students impacted
- Track maintenance hours spent on existing applications
Objective 1.3
Remove outdated applications and redundant services that are no longer need or not providing significant benefit to the mission of the University.
- Track application usage and support hours to discover applications which can be retired and allow resources to be refocused on productive areas.
- Actively work with the ISO to discover web applications no longer maintained or security complaint.
- Ensure projects and tasks are handled by the appropriate department for the task, so there is no duplication of effort.
- Track number of and type of applications maintained.
- Track estimated number of faculty, staff and students impacted.
- Track maintenance hours spent on existing applications.
- Track number of retired applications.
Goal 2 Human Resources and Infrastructure: Organization
A professional well-trained organization able to design and deliver robust effective solutions
Critical Success Factors
- Maintain a professional staff level appropriate to the campus demand.
- Maintain highly trained and skilled professionals capable of implementing the latest technologies.
- Employee satisfaction is at a minimum of 80%.
- Each staff member averages 32 hours in professional training and development per year.
Objective 2.1
Hire and retain the best information technology professionals.
- Recruit students graduating from TTU program that focus on technology.
- Continue using a formal interview process to rank candidates.
- Maintain a competitive compensation/benefits package.
- Encourage and promote the use of university resources and services available for staff.
- Provide professional development and technical training opportunities.
- Monitor the number of TTU graduates employed by the department.
- Monitor the number of student assistants employed.
- Measure 12-month turnover rate (under 20%).
- Monitor feedback from staff regarding morale and equity.
Objective 2.2
Reinforce professionalism with professional development opportunities.
- Periodic review of professional development opportunities.
- Assessment of relevant conferences and workshops.
- Analysis of online and technology delivered educational opportunities.
- Number of staff professional development hours per year.
- Funding dedicated to staff education and professional development.
Goal 3 Teaching, Learning and Research support: Leadership
Provide the University developer community with direction, consultation and training.
Critical Success Factors
- Recognized by the University as a department with solutions.
- Department representation in technology reviews for the campus.
- Provide online resources and expertise to the campus developer community.
Objective 3.1
Promote the use of best practices and technology throughout the university.
- Demonstrate best practices technologies, which are in use at Application Development.
- Promote developer tools and resources to encourage consistent development in the departments.
- Provide IT staff the opportunity to present technical talks at Educational conferences.
- Track projects, which included working with departmental developers.
- Track consulting hours.
- Track time spent speaking at conferences.
Objective 3.2
Provide resources to areas and units that facilitate coordinated autonomy.
- Standardized authentication code maintenance.
- Professional code library.
- Advanced instructional sessions.
- Number of eRaider authentications facilitated.
- Number of eRaider integrations completed.
- Number of ecommerce integrations completed.
- Number of advanced training sessions offered.
Goal 4 Contribution to the Institutional and Divisional Strategic Goals: Innovation
Design and develop innovative solutions using the best available technologies and processes.
Critical Success Factors
- Deliver and design systems with highly reusable components.
- Applications take advantage of and use reusable components.
- Customer satisfaction is at a minimum of 80%.
Objective 4.1
Use the most appropriately advanced tools in both the development and production of technologies used for teaching and learning.
- Provide research and development resources towards the review of technologies to enhance the development processes.
- Review the latest technologies used for teaching and learning in higher education.
- Continue to provide consultation and point of contact for eCommerce users.
- Stay up-to-date with innovative software development technologies.
- Research the latest technologies, which could enhance the University processes.
- Conduct pilot testing to gain feedback from end users.
- Stay aware and informed of new technologies, which will enhance the mission of the University.
- Continue to promote and implement the eRaider Web Sign-in system.
- Product reviews.
- Technology methods review.
Objective 4.2
Create partnerships and foster collaboration - leverage innovative tools and skills to empower institutional objectives through campus community interactions.
- Participate in institutional working groups, committees, and councils.
- Participate in institutional service and process assessments
- Collaborate with TTU system, TTUHSC and ASU to realize efficiencies.
- Number of committee and council assignments.
- Number of campus project assessments.
Want to learn more? Contact ADS for more information.
Application Development and Support
Texas Tech University, Box 43090, Lubbock, TX 79409-3090 -