The Association of Chinese Faculty and Staff at Texas Tech University is an organization that advocates the well-being of its members, cultivates a sense of community among its members both on and off campus, as well as promotes intellectual and cultural exchanges between its members and the university at the levels of administration, faculty and staff, and students.
- Facilitate communication among its members at the university and develop a sense of community for its members and families in Lubbock.
- Promote cultural understanding between the organization and other faculty and staff and student organizations at the university.
- Encourage exchanges between the organization and the university administration.
- Foster exchanges between Texas Tech University and institutions of higher education in China.
- Enhance the visibility of Chinese and Chinese Americans and increase understanding of China, Chinese history and culture, and China's emergence in the twenty-first century.
- Sponsor lectures that will introduce Chinese American history and culture and China's economic achievements in recent decades.
- Hold workshops on grant proposal writing and tenure dossier preparation.
- Team up with our student association and organize cultural events on campus that will attract faculty, staff, and students from different disciplines.
- Create opportunities for its members to meet with university administrators and explain our interests related to the university recruitment of Chinese American faculty and students, retaining of Chinese American faculty and scholars, and involvement of Chinese American faculty and staff in university policy making and decisions.
- Help the university to locate specific programs and institutions in China that would be interested in establishing exchanges.
Chinese Faculty and Staff Association
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.834.1579 -