News and Events
On Sunday (February 14, 2021), which was also the American Valentine's Day, the Chinese Faculty & Staff Association (CFSA) of Texas Tech University hosted the 2021 Chinese New Year Celebration on Zoom! Forty-seven staff, faculty, and administrators attended the event at 2 pm, ushering in the Year of the Ox. Following Dr. Hong Zhang's (Current CFSA President) opening remark, TTU President Lawrence Schovanec, Vice President Carol Sumner, Vice President Joe Heppert, Vice Provost Sukan Misra, Vice Provost Mark Sheridan, Dean Michael San Francisco, Dean Al Sacco Jr., and Dean Jesse Perez Mendez shared their greetings with CFSA members. After a dialogue between the administrators and faculty/staff, Dr. Yanlin Wang (CFSA Treasurer) shared the financial report of the Association and CFSA is in good financial standing. Then Dr. Yuanlin Zhang (CFSA Immediate Past President) reported the accomplishments of the multi-facet LOVE (Lubbock cOVid-19 rElief) Community project, which raised almost $8,000 with CFSA members to donate PPE and food to the Lubbock community, including medical professionals, police officers, seniors, etc., among other activities. Dr. Yuan Shu (CFSA Founding President) talked about the Association's past from 2009 (another Year of the Ox) to the present and into the bright future. About 2.5 hours into the celebration, the event successfully concluded with Dr. Hong Zhang and Dr. Yuanlin Zhang leading the group in singing a Chinese New Year song! Two pictures below were taken during the second half of the event.
Chinese New Year Celebration on Zoom, February 2021, Attended by 47 TTU Faculty, Staff, and Administrators (Picture 1/2)
Chinese New Year Celebration on Zoom, February 2021, Attended by 47 TTU Faculty, Staff, and Administrators (Picture 2/2)
Chinese Faculty and Staff Association
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.834.1579 -