Scholar and Mentor Travel
One of our most important goals is for Scholars to attend and present their findings at major national or international meetings in their respective research disciplines during their tenure as Scholars. In some cases, the travel is paid in whole or in part by a mentor's research grant or by another university unit.
In general, we support the travel of Scholars who are authors on a presentation. Occasionally, exceptions are made to this policy in order to provide Scholars opportunities to experience attending a national meeting, especially early in their tenures.
We place high priority on sending the Science Education Scholars to national and regional science education meetings to make presentations, an unusual experience for pre-service teachers. Such travel builds camaraderie within the group, provides a highly motivating experience, publicizes our program regionally and nationally, and generates an early sense of confidence and professionalism in these future teachers.
We also support travel to regional meetings and student-focused meetings, such as the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). The SACNAS conference is especially effective for our minority students in science.
Occasionally, but rarely, we support Mentor and CISER Staff travel to present their research at major national or international meetings.