Texas Tech University

Leslie A. Smith

Instructional Designer
Texas Tech University Online

Thwarted in my desire to leap tall buildings in a single bound, I have settled for producing boffo print and online courses. "Production, this is Leslie" has been my phone mantra for my entire professional career. I began at a ratty little silkscreen shop, moved on through four different small newspapers, then worked for Western Publications (magazine and book publishing) as the entire production department for six years. I've worked with TTU K-12 for almost 24 years. My department has now merged with eLearning & Academic Partnerships.

Over the course of my career, I've taught myself HTML, JavaScript, ASP, PHP, database construction, web design, and assorted other things worthy of a techno-dweeb. I was the TTU K-12 webmaster until I had to choose among the many parts of my ever-expanding job; I elected to remain at the course-building end.

I like reading, movies, art, and if you visit my cubicle, you might get the impression that I also like cats.

Leslie Smith


  • Two-year Certificate, Offset Printing, Meridian Technology Center