Faculty & Staff Services
We are committed to helping instructors take advantage of more opportunities to engage students online, and we provide our faculty with essential training and resources to help ensure teaching success.
Use the guides below to get started.
Course design and consultation services.Course reviews and certification.Create content that engages students.Tips for regular and substantive interaction.Student assessment options that work.Video production lab services.Blackboard services and support for faculty.Services for accessible online content.
eLearning & Academic Partnerships
Texas Tech Plaza | 1901 University Avenue, Suite 513 | Lubbock, Texas 79410-5095 || Mailing: Box 45095 | Lubbock, TX 79409-5095 -
Office (806) 742-5944 || Student Support (806) 853-5153 or toll-free (844) 897-0537 -