Lab Name Determined: BIO-inspired Mechanics and Systems (BIOMS) Laboratory
August 28, 2013
After several, long brainstorming sessions, our lab name is determined: BIO-inspired Mechanics and Systems (BIOMS) Laboratory.
We picked this name since all of the projects that will be going on in our lab will be inspired from nature and biological structures. We will mainly work on fields of mechanics and system dynamics, especially in sensor fields, robotics, biomechanics, etc. Also, the word "BIOMS" brings the word "biomes" in biology, which basically means the communities of plants, animals and soil organisms in a given geographic and climatic condition. These organisms and systems will be our inspiration to build our mechanical systems and devices, as well as our research on biological structures.
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2011 -