Texas Tech University

Codes of Ethics

The Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (CSEP)

The Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (CSEP) has put their collection of codes of ethics on the Internet. They include codes of ethics of professional societies, corporations, government, and academic institutions. Earlier versions of codes of ethics of some organizations represented are available so people can study the development of codes. A literature review, an introduction to the codes, and a user guide are included. The production of this site was accomplished in collaboration with IIT's Instructional Multimedia Center.

Ethics Codes and Guidelines (Maintained by the Online Ethics Center)

This page includes various ethical codes from professional societies for engineers and scientists. Some differ widely in their content, because of their origins and their specific purposes. Others are similar in the topics they cover and the general ethical standards they articulate, but differ in language and in the specific ethical problems or abuses they address.

Selected Codes of Ethics for Engineers

Murdough Center for Engineering Professionalism