Are you thinking about volunteering for the Peace Corps after college?
Are you considering a career in a global field and would like a stronger background in international experiences?
Is it important to you to have a future career that contributes to the greater good, working to alleviate poverty, improves health and security in the world?
If you answer yes to one of these questions above you might be interested in the new certificate program at Texas Tech called Peace Corps PREP. More information can be found in this Peace Corps PREP Video, Peace Corps Prep Student Guide and Peace Corp Prep Flyer.
Peace Corps Prep is a certificate program designed for undergraduate students who are planning to volunteer for the Peace Corps after college. We have designed a curriculum that will provide foundational preparation for service, including a course of study that provides basic skills, global knowledge, and cultural awareness that can provide an advantage for those who are applying to volunteer.
Peace Corps Prep Enrollment Form
Peace Corps Prep
Texas Tech University, Department of Political Science Holden Hall 227, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.834.4043 -