Texas Tech University


There are several courses associated with population content at Texas Tech University offered by various departments. Classes are offered at both undergraduate and graduate level. Students interested in urban studies, family, aging, health would gain a better understanding of their subject of interest by getting the demographic perspective provided by these classes.

The following is a current list of available courses in the College of Arts and Sciences:

Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work 

SOC 3339. International Migration

SOC 4312.Population and Environment
SOC 4316. Aging and Society
SOC 4362. Cities and City Life
SOC 5327. Seminar in Demography
SOC 5332. Seminar in Migration
SOC 5336. Seminar in Family Change
SOC 5316. Seminar in Social Gerontology
SOC 5312. Seminar Urban Problems
ANTH 5312.Human Diversity

Department of Economics and Geography

GEOG 1302. Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG 3340. Introduction to Research in Human Geography
GEOG 3350.Social and Cultural Geography
GEOG 5303. Advanced Human Geography

Population Center