Texas Tech University

Travis B. Thompson, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Mathematics and Statistics

Email: travis.thompson@ttu.edu

Photo of Travis Thompson

Personal Information

Travis completed a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Texas A&M University in 2013.  His postdoctoral work spanned Rice University (Houston Texas), Simula Research Laboratory (Oslo Norway) and the University of Oxford (United Kingdom) where he focused on mathematics applied to study the brain and age-related neurological pathologies such as Alzheimer's disease. He joined the mathematics department as an assistant professor, in the Fall of 2022, and leads the TM4 (Texas Tech Translational and Theoretical Mathematical Modeling and Machine learning in Medicine) research group.


Research Interests

My research develops and analyzes theoretical mathematical models and applies both scientific computing and machine learning to study problems related to the brain, neurological pathology, age-related diseases and complex biological processes on networks with translational emphases in health care and nutritional security

Future Research Collaboration Interests

Mathematical modeling and scientific machine learning with applications to age-related human pathology, translational pharmacology and nutritional security