Texas Tech University

Tutor With Ridwan Rahman


Please fill and submit the tutor request form to schedule your online tutoring appointment with Ridwan.

Tutor Request Form

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Please select a date and time to schedule your tutor appointment.
Must be a valid TTU provided email address
Please provide the COURSE NAME and NUMBER and description of assignment

Terms and Conditions
Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using our tutoring service.

  1. In order to provide you with a meaningful service, we invite students to arrive 10 minutes early for your meetings to ensure there is plenty of time to check in, troubleshoot any technical difficulties or just simply prepare yourself to start learning.
  2. We have a strict 24-hour cancellation policy in order to accommodate the high demand of appointments. This policy applies across the board whether booked in person, on the phone, via email or online through our website. We are happy to cancel or reschedule appointments, providing we have at least 24 hours’ notice. No-shows without reasonable explanation will result in future cancellation of appointment(s).  
  3. Requesting appointments via personal emails will be marked as spam and will not result in a scheduled meeting with your tutor.
  4. Please note Student Disability Services reserve the right to refuse services; disrespect and rudeness towards staff, students and tutors will not be tolerated and will proceed in addressing the concern. SDS reserve the right to amend Terms and Conditions as and when it is considered necessary to do so. Reasonable notice will be given for this. ​
  5. All members of the university community, including faculty, students, and staff, are upheld to the standard of having integrity in the work they produce. For more information, please visit our website or contact your Student Academic Counselor.


Student Disability Services