Texas Tech University

Neha Kumari

Woman with quote and UCC logo

Leadership Development Program at WaterFleet

While attending the All Majors Job Fair this past fall, I met the HR Director of WaterFleet and was impressed by the values of the company and how they treat their employees. I was invited to an initial interview at the University Career Center and then a final interview in San Antonio. WaterFleet's dedication to innovation and openness to all ideas really sealed the deal for me and when I received a call with the job offer, I immediately accepted. Through the Leadership Development Program, I will be learning about all aspects of the company in the next year, from the technical side to the business development side. As one of the first two women hired for the program, I will have many opportunities to grow at WaterFleet.

The University Career Center is a great resource. Nicole Noble edited my resume, helped me with interview skills, and even arranged a mock interview session. She helped me polish my answers, which also helped calm my nerves before the interviews. She taught me to always end an answer on a positive note and not ramble unnecessarily. I also got tips on body language and how to appear calm.

I am extremely impressed with the University Career Center! They are very helpful and invested in the success of TTU graduates. I was under the impression that jobs can only be found through networking, but I landed my first job before finishing my PhD through their career fair! It was amazing to see that traditional job hunting methods still work. Nicole's advice about always ending an answer on a positive note and keeping answers precise and to the point will stay with me forever.