Texas Tech University

Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory

The laboratory is well equipped for standard molecular biology and biochemistry experiments including a 96-well thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems 2720), a Nanodrop 2000 (Thermo Scientific), a real time PCR (Bio-Rad CFX touch thermal cycler), a full range of electrophoresis apparatus available for agarose and acrylamide gel analyses, and Bio-Rad ChemiDoc MP system for chemiluminescence detection. In addition, the laboratory has its own water supply (deionized water), the RNA/DNA molecular grade water system (Synergy system, Millipore), compressed gas mixtures, and vacuum outlet. A -20°C freezer and a refrigerator are also available.


Department of Kinesiology & Sport Management

  • Address

    Box 43011, Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409
  • Phone
