Texas Tech University


[Minor revision; updated reviewer title only–posted 1/12/22 (replaces 5/25/17 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University academic coat of arms

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 60.19: Forklift Safety Program

DATE: January 12, 2022

PURPOSE: The purpose of the Forklift Safety Program is twofold: to identify all the forklifts being operated on the campus, and to train each employee required to operate a forklift. The training will cover the safe operation and inspection of the forklift. The Forklift Safety Program will be administered by Environmental Health & Safety in accordance with OSHA standards.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in September of every fourth year by the Assistant Vice President for Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) with substantive revisions forwarded through the Associate Vice President for Research to the Vice President for Research & Innovation. This OP will be reviewed again in 2025.


1.  Responsibilities

a.    Department heads, directors, and administrators will:

(1)    Ensure that all provisions of the Forklift Safety Program, as it pertains to each area, are followed;

(2)    Provide funds to perform regular scheduled maintenance on their forklifts; and

(3)    Retain a copy of the employee's forklift “Certificate of Completion of Training” in the employee's personnel file.

b.    Supervisors will:

(1)    Ensure that employees operate forklifts safely;

(2)    Ensure that employees are scheduled for initial training and remedial training as needed;

(3)    Ensure that employees are competent to operate a powered industrial truck, as demonstrated by successful completion of a training program;

(4)    Report all near misses and accidents to EH&S so additional training can be administered;

(5)    Ensure that employees operate only forklifts on which they have been trained;

(6)    Ensure that employees are scheduled for refresher training on a three-year cycle; and

(7)    Ensure that new employees or reassigned employees get lift truck training before operating equipment.

c.    Employees will:

(1)    Inspect forklifts daily before use;

(2)    Report any deficiencies found during daily inspections to their supervisor;

(3)    Not operate a forklift that is in need of repairs;

(4)    Not operate a forklift on which they have not been trained;

(5)    Operate forklifts safely to prevent injury or damage; and

(6)    Report any unsafe acts they may observe to their supervisor.

d.    Environmental Health & Safety will:

(1)    Train all employees required to operate a forklift;

(2)    Maintain a record of all employees trained and on which lifts they are trained;

(3)    Perform refresher training on a three-year cycle;

(4)    Determine the extent of the refresher training to prevent duplication of training to operators; and

(5)    Investigate all accidents/incidents and recommend corrective actions to ensure safety of employees operating this equipment.

Operating Policies & Procedures