Texas Tech University

Performing Feminism and Administration in Rhetoric and Composition Studies

Rickly Feminism

Book Description: 

Performing Feminism and Administration in Rhetoric and Composition Studies (Hampton Press, 2010) posits definitions, tactics, and consequences of feminist administration. Inspired by tensions that arise between feminist beliefs and administrative imperatives, contributors write from their locations as Writing Program Administrators, Writing Center Directors, Writing-across-the-curriculum Directors, Journal Editors, and graduate students, adjunct faculty, and assistant, associate and full professors.

Because contributors do not all agree, the 14 chapters challenge one another as well as readers.Together these chapters forward three claims: (1) gendered issues still exist within rhetoric and composition studies, (2) the models in this collection may be adapted by readers for their own situations, and (3) the dominant trope for performing feminist administration is oxymoron, the ability to keep two conflicting ideas in one's head at the same time and engage that conflict as a springboard for productive feminist action.


Author Bio: 

Rebecca J. Rickly is a professor of Rhetoric and Technical Communication at Texas Tech University. At the center of her work is what she calls "applied rhetoric," which includes such diverse applications as technologies, pedagogies, feminisms, methods and methodologies, and administration. She teaches graduate courses in research methods, writing for publication, and rhetoric/rhetorical analysis, as well as undergraduate courses in advanced writing and style.