Texas Tech University

Cormac McCarthy

Cormac McCarthy

Book Description: 

Cormac McCarthy: All the Pretty Horses, No Country for Old Men, The Road (Continuum Press, 2011). Fascinating and provocative, the essays in this collection, edited by Sara L. Spurgeon, provide an in-depth, philosophical, and cultural exploration of one of the greater writers in English today by focusing on three of Cormac McCarthy's most important recent novels, including an extensive Introduction to McCarthy's life and career.

Sara Spurgeon

Author Bio: 

Sara L. Spurgeon works in literatures of the American West, nature/environmental writing, gender studies, post-colonial/decolonial studies, and Cormac McCarthy. Her current book projects include a scholarly study of Native American Sci-Fi and Indigenous Futurism, and a co-edited collection on race and gender in the Weird Western.