Texas Tech University

University Coaching & Student Achievement


Sometimes getting the results you want out of your college experience can be a challenge. Your goals and expectations are unique to you, and sometimes you just need someone to talk to about it. University Coaching and Student achievement offers students completely personalized support. 

Students Say!


"Being introduced to University Coaching has been one of the best things that happened to my academic career. My life coach has given me a lot of insight and guidance on topics like leadership, school and personal life, which has allowed me to improve my potential as an undergrad international student at TTU."

Shruti - TTU Sophomore


"I've had a great time with life coaching. It's helped me out. It's not something that I would do, but I needed some guidance and it's helped immensely when it comes to my life. It's helped me be able to do better in school while also getting more hours at work..."

Graham - TTU Junior