
Why Choose When You Can Do Both??

A Bird's Eye View of the Future

From Tech to Tables

Awe-Inspiring Grace

Turning Problems to Solutions

Keeping Up With Alumni

The Man Behind the Cover

It's in the Bag

Making Everyday Matter

The Best in the West

Creating Harmony at Texas Tech

Understanding Your World

In "Klein'd" to Care

Dive Bombed by a Kite

Behind the Desk

Akers of Love

Keeping Up With Alumni Relations

Innovative Minds

Getting the Most of Your Beef

Sustainability on the South Plains

A Competitive Edge

Success without Studying

50th Annual National Collegiate Soils Contest Gets Dirty

Overseas with the Texas Tech Ranch Horse Team

Striving for Honor in the Pursuit of Excellence





In Our Own Backyard

Story by Brett Nelius


There’s a treasure hidden on the Texas Tech University campus. If only more of the academic and local community really knew how much this treasure means to West Texas. This rare property is often overlooked, but its research value is untold and its value is constantly on the rise.

There are not many big and bold signs designating Tech’s native rangeland and most citizens of Lubbock drive right by it and never give it a second glance.

David Haukos Ph.D, adjunct professor in the Department of Natural Resources management, has a great appreciation for working with the rangeland.

 “I cannot tell you how convenient and not to mention valuable it is to me to be able to study and continue research right here in Lubbock,” Haukos said.

 According to Haukos, the research that continues here is important to the life and economy in the southern Plains. Anything from changing range conditions and wildlife competition to invasive species and migratory birds are studied and researched on these lands.

With much of the surrounding area being dominated by the cotton industry, it can be difficult to imagine what this area of the state used to consist of… once again, rangeland to the rescue.

The rangeland gives folks in west Texas an opportunity to see land similar to what the first settlers of Texas would have encountered. what the first settlers of Texas would have encountered.

Once this rangeland is gone, it is gone for good and this is the driving force to keep utilizing it. Ernest Fish Ph.D, is very familiar with the rangeland. Fish has performed faculty research on the rangeland involving: global positioning systems, digital image analysis and geographic information systems. He knows this land is threatened in many different ways and hopes that it will continue to remain for Tech, Lubbock and anyone who wishes to learn from it.

Why would anyone let that academic, historic and sentimental area go to waste? To make way for additional golf holes or additional buildings to the Tech campus? This land means a great deal to the Llano Estacado and unfortunately it has been taken for granted by too many.

Not many universities have native rangeland conveniently located within a short drive if at all. Just one more reason this land should be appreciated and kept. Undoubtedly, the quality research coming out of the College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources will shine new light on this land and make this rare asset a point of pride for Tech for years to come.