Texas Tech University

Dongjie Chen

Ph.D. Candidate
Chemical Engineering Department

Room Number: IMSE 202E

Email: dongjie.chen@ttu.edu    dongjiechendongjiechen@gmail.com

Website:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dongjie-chen-a926b5177/

Photo Description

Research Interest

Rheology/Polymer dynamics/ Colloidal glass/ Glass transition theory


Li, Qi, Xiaoguang Peng, Dongjie Chen, and Gregory B. McKenna. "The Laplace approach in microrheology." Soft Matter 16, no. 14 (2020): 3378-3383.

Qian, Zhiyuan, Dongjie Chen, and Gregory B. McKenna. "Re-visiting the “consequences of grafting density on the linear viscoelastic behavior of graft polymers”." Polymer 186 (2020): 121992.

Peng, Xiaoguang, J. Galen Wang, Qi Li, Dongjie Chen, Roseanna N. Zia, and Gregory B. McKenna. "Exploring the validity of time-concentration superposition in glassy colloids: Experiments and simulations." Physical Review E 98, no. 6 (2018): 062602.