Texas Tech University

Rick Kellison, M.S.

TAWC Advisor
Administration & Support Staff

Email: rick.kellison@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 292-5982

Rick Kellison has been the Project Director for the Texas Alliance for Water Conservation Program (TAWC) for CASNR since its inception in 2005. He attended Lockney High School from 1963-1967 and received his B.S. degree in Animal Business in 1972 and his M.S. degree in Ruminant Nutrition in 1974 from Texas Tech University. He previously owned and operated Kellison Fertilizer and Spraying from 1978-1998 selling to Wilbur-Ellis and acting as their Branch Manager from 1998-2005. He currently owns Silver Creek Farms, a registered cow/calf operation near Lockney, Texas.

Awards include a 2004 CASNR Outstanding Achievement and Contribution to Agriculture Award and an Environmental Stewardship Award from the West Texas Ag Chemical Conference. He received the 2016 Outstanding Service to Agriculture Award of Merit from Gamma Sigma Delta at Texas Tech, the 2016 CASNR Research Staff Award and the 2016 Texas Tech Chancellor's Staff Award of Excellence.

Rick Kellison

Texas Coalition for Sustainable Integrated Systems Research Program (TeCSIS)

  • Address

    Texas Tech University, Department of Plant & Soil Science, Box 42122 Lubbock, TX 79409-2122
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