Texas Tech University

Jamie Bologna Pavlik

Research Fellow

Dr. Jamie Bologna Pavlik, Research Fellow

Jamie Bologna Pavlik is a research fellow at the Free Market Institute and an associate professor of agricultural and applied economics in the Gordon W. Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources.

Jamie's research and teaching interests include development economics, the economics of corruption, political economy, and policy analysis. She has authored more than 30 peer-reviewed articles in scholarly journals including Review of Development Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Comparative Economics, Contemporary Economic Policy, Journal of Institutional Economics, Public Choice, and Southern Economic Journal.

Jamie teaches undergraduate courses in Fundamentals of Agricultural and Applied Economics and Agricultural Price Theory, and a graduate course in Natural Resources and International Economic Development.

CV   Personal Website   SSRN   Google Scholar


West Virginia University
Ph.D., Economics, 2016

Pennsylvania State University Behrend
B.S., Business Economics, 2011

Academic Positions

Texas Tech University
Associate Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2022-
Research Fellow, Free Market Institute 2016-
Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2016-2022

Other Professional Positions

Contemporary Economic Policy
Editorial Board Member, 2021-

Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
Co-Editor, 2021-
Editorial Board Member, 2018-2021

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Visiting Research Professor, 2018

Scholarly Journal Publications


Good for the Goose, Bad for the Gander? Corruption and Income Inequality
Southern Economic Journal (with Justin Callais)

Gender and Corruption in Firms: The Importance of Regional Context
Review of Development Economics (with João Pedro Bastos)

Female Ownership of Firms and Regulation Experience
The Journal of Development Studies (with João Pedro Bastos)

Public Finance Review (with Desiree Desierto)


Historical Representative Assembly Experiences and Constitutionalism Today
Comparative Economic Studies (with Andrew Young)

Two Birds with One Stone: Reducing Corruption Raises National Income
Social Science Quarterly (with Robin Grier and Kevin Grier)

Do Longer Constitutions Corrupt?
European Journal of Political Economy (with Andrew Young and Israt Jahan)

Are Historic Districts a Backdoor for Segregation? Yes and No
Contemporary Economic Policy (with Yang Zhou)

The Effect of the Mahathir Regime on the Malaysian Economy
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change (with Abidemi Adisa and Michael Farmer)


Does Economic Freedom Lighten the Blow? Evidence from the Great Recession in the United States
Economics of Governance (with Justin Callais)

Does Aid Cause Changes in Economic Freedom?
Southern Economic Journal (with Andrew Young and Benjamin Powell)

The Effect of Presidential Particularism on Income: A County Level Analysis
Public Finance Review (with Maria Tackett)

Sorting out the Aid-Corruption Nexus
Journal of Institutional Economics (with Andrew Young)


Institutional Quality and Development: On the Role of Informality
The Journal of Developing Areas (with Justin Callais and Israt Jahan)

The Legacy of Representation in Medieval Europe for Incomes and Institutions Today
Southern Economic Journal (with Andrew Young)

Simpler Evidence on Immigration and Institutions: An Assessment
Econ Journal Watch (with Estefania Lujan Padilla and Benjamin Powell)

The Cuban Revolution and Infant Mortality: A Synthetic Control Approach
Explorations in Economic History (with Vincent Geloso)

Economic Freedom and the Economic Consequences of the 1918 Pandemic
Contemporary Economic Policy (with Vincent Geloso)


Is the Devil in the Shadow? The Effect of Institutional Quality on Income
Review of Development Economics (with Israt Jahan and Ryan Williams)

Medieval European Traditions in Representation and State Capacity Today
Economics of Governance (with Andrew Young)

Patent Intensity and Concentration: The Effect of Institutional Quality on MSA Patent Activity
Papers in Regional Science (with Gary Wagner)

Laissez Faire Economic Policy in a World Where Gender Income Gaps Exist: Helping or Hurting?
Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy (with Joshua Hall and Amanda Ross)


Did Technology Transfer More Rapidly East-West than North-South?
European Economic Review (with Andrew Young)

Cultural Baggage: Do Immigrants Import Corruption?
Southern Economic Journal (with Estefania Lujan Padilla and Benjamin Powell)


The Impact of an Ethanol Plant on Regional Cotton Production: A Spatial Econometric Approach
Journal of Agribusiness (with Bing Liu, Darren Hudson, and Michael Farmer)

Corruption: The Good, the Bad, and the Uncertain
Review of Development Economics


Political Influence and Its Relation to the Federal Prosecution of Public Corruption
Constitutional Political Economy


Email: jamie.bologna@ttu.edu
Phone: (806) 834-8515
Offices: Administration 166A
Agricultural Sciences 307-C

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