Jedediah Pida-Reese
Research Assistant
Jedediah Pida-Reese is a research assistant at the Free Market Institute and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Jed earned his B.S. in Economics at the University of Nevada Reno in 2014 and M.A. in Economics at San Jose State University in 2016. His research interests center around historical political economy of Japan, macroeconomics, and institutional analysis.
Papers Under Review
Did the Plaza Accord Cause Japan's Real Estate Bubble?
Under Review at Contemporary Economic Policy.
Working Papers
Taisho Japan's Transition to an Open Access Order
Japan's Transition to "Imperial Democracy"
The Use of Knowledge in The East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
A Synthetic Control Analysis of Arizona Instituting Permitless Carry
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