Alexander Salter
Comparative Economics Research Fellow
Alexander Salter is Comparative Economics Research Fellow at the Free Market Institute and Georgie G. Snyder Associate Professor of Economics in the Jerry S. Rawls College of Business Administration.
Alex's research and teaching interests include comparative political economy, institutional analysis, and the economics of governance. He is interested in monetary economics and macroeconomics, and especially the question of which monetary and macroeconomic institutions best promote economic stability. He is the author and coauthor of four books and more than 80 articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals including Journal of Macroeconomics, American Political Science Review, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Contemporary Economic Policy, Journal of Institutional Economics, and Public Choice. He also serves as an associate editor of The Journal of Private Enterprise.
Alex's popular writing has appeared in several other publications including The Wall Street Journal, Washington Examiner, National Review, RealClearPolitics, and City Journal.
Alex teaches an undergraduate course in Applied Business Economics and a gradate course in Austrian Economics. He has also taught a graduate course in Public Choice.
CV Personal Website SSRN Google Scholar
George Mason University
Ph.D., Economics, 2014
M.A., Economics, 2012
Occidental College
B.A., Economics, 2010
Academic Positions
Texas Tech University
Georgie G. Snyder Professor, Rawls College of Business, 2021-
Associate Professor of Economics, Rawls College of Business, 2020-
Comparative Economics Research Fellow, Free Market Institute, 2015-
Assistant Professor of Economics, Rawls College of Business, 2015-2020
Berry College
Assistant Professor of Economics, Campbell School of Business, 2014-2015
Other Professional Positions
American Institute for Economic Research
Senior Fellow, Sound Money Project, 2020-
Fellow, Sound Money Project 2017-2020
Independent Institute
Research Fellow, 2021-
The Independent Review
Contributing Editor, 2024-
Journal of Markets & Morality
Editorial Board Member, 2022-
The Journal of Private Enterprise
Associate Editor, 2015-
Young Voices
Senior Contributor, 2021-2024
Contributor, 2020
The Association of Private Enterprise Education
Executive Committee Member, 2016-2020
Society for the Development of Austrian Economics
Executive Committee Member, 2015
Atlas Economic Research Foundation
Fellow, Sound Money Project 2015-2017
Books and Symposiums

The Medieval Constitution of Liberty:
Political Foundations of Liberalism in the West
Alexander Salter and Andrew Young
University of Michigan Press, 2023

The Spirit Of 76:
Libertarianism and American Renewal
Alexander Salter
American Institute for Economic Research, 2023

The Political Economy of Distributism:
Property, Liberty, and the Common Good
Alexander Salter
The Catholic University of American Press, 2023

Money and the Rule of Law:
Generality and Predictability in Monetary Institutions
Peter Boettke, Alexander Salter, and Daniel Smith
Cambridge University Press, 2021

Symposium: Austrian Perspectives on Business Valuation
Brad Ewing and Alexander Salter, Guest Editors
Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis
De Gruyter, 2017
Scholarly Journal Publications
Mission Creep at the Federal Reserve
Southern Economic Journal (with Louis Rouanet)
Rationally Revealing Religion: In Defense of Ekelund and Tollison on Method
Public Choice
What, to the Christian, Is Economic Efficiency?
Faith & Economics
The Need for a Price Theory Revival
The Journal of Private Enterprise (with Bryan Cutsinger)
Lessons from Latin America Dollarization in the Twenty First Century
The Economists' Voice (with Nicolas Cachanosky and Emilio Ocampo)
Wealth and Commerce in Eastern Christian Thought
Journal of Markets & Morality (with Wilson Whitener)
Monepiscopacy: A Rational Choice Account
Journal of Economics, Management and Religion (with Wilson Whitener)
Can Dollarization Constrain a Populist Leader? The Case of Rafael Correa in Ecuador
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (with Nicolas Cachanosky and Ignacio Savanti)
Evolution, Uncertainty, and the Asymptotic Efficiency of Policy
Public Choice (with Brian Albrecht and Joshua Hendrickson)
The Federal Reserve's Response to the COVID-19 Contraction: An Initial Appraisal
Southern Economic Journal (with Bryan Cutsinger, Nicolas Cachanosky, Thomas Hogan, and William Luther)
The Fundamental Coase of Development: Property Rights Foundations of the Effective
Journal of Institutional Economics (with Ennio Piano)
Constitutionalism, Liberalism, and Political Entrepreneurship
Advances in Austrian Economics: Philosophy, Politics, and Austrian Economics
Malignant Monetary Monocentricity
The Independent Review
Ideologies, Institutions, and Interests: Why Ideas Don't Compete on a Level Playing
The Independent Review (with Justin Callais)
Private Prerogative, Public Purpose: Public Entrepreneurship and Management in Frederick
the Great's Anti-Machiavel
The Journal of Private Enterprise
State Capacity and Economic Development: Causal Mechanism or Correlative Filter?
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (with Vincent Geloso)
Options to the Realm: A Cost Neutral Proposal to Improve Political Incentives
Contemporary Economic Policy (with Joshua Hendrickson)
The Super-Alertness of Central Banks
The Review of Austrian Economics (with Nicolas Cachanosky)
A Theory of Self-Governance: De Facto Constitutions as Filters
Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice (with Justin Callais)
Expectations and NGDP Targeting: Supply-Side Problems with Demand-Side Policy
The Journal of Private Enterprise (with Thomas Hogan)
The Constitution of Economic Expertise: Social Science in the Public Square, Past
and Present
Christian Libertarian Review
Constitutional Catallaxy: Friends and Enemies in an Open-Ended Social Order
Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice (with Richard Wagner)
Polycentric Sovereignty: The Medieval Constitution, Governance Quality, and the Wealth
of Nations
Social Science Quarterly (with Andrew Young)
Political Economists or Political Economists? The Role of Political Environments in
the Formation of Fed Policy Under Burns, Greenspan, and Bernanke
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (with Daniel Smith)
Rawlsian Originalism
Jurisprudence (with Brian Kogelmann)
Settling the Final Frontier: The ORBIS Lease and the Possibilities of Proprietary
Communities in Space
Journal of Air Law and Commerce
Adaptation and Central Banking
Public Choice (with William Luther)
Governing the Banking System: An Assessment of Resilience Based on Elinor Ostrom's
Design Principles
Journal of Institutional Economics (with Vlad Tarko)
A Theory of Self-Enforcing Monetary Constitutions with Reference to the Suffolk System,
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (with Andrew Young)
Sovereign Entrepreneurship
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
The Other Space Race: Some Law and Economics of Celestial Resource Appropriation
Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
Preventing Plunder: National Defense, Capital Taxation, and Economic Development
Journal of Macroeconomics (with Joshua Hendrickson and Brian Albrecht)
Institutional Resilience in Banking Systems
Libertas: Segunda Época
Money as Meta-Rule: Buchanan's Constitutional Economics as a Foundation for Monetary
Public Choice (with Peter Boettke and Daniel Smith)
Would a Free Banking System Stabilize NGDP Growth?
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (with Andrew Young)
Emergent Politics and Constitutional Drift: The Fragility of Procedural Liberalism
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy (with Glenn Furton)
Medieval Representative Assemblies: Collective Action and Antecedents of Limited Government
Constitutional Political Economy (with Andrew Young)
Political Entrepreneurship, Emergent Dynamics, and Constitutional Politics
Review of Social Economy (with Richard Wagner)
Dead Ends and Living Currents: Distributism as a Progressive Research Program
Christian Libertarian Review (with Eugene Callahan)
Going Beyond Monetary Constitutions: The Congruence of Money and Finance
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (with Joshua Hendrickson)
Bitcoin and the Bailout
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (with William Luther)
Ordering the Cosmos: Private Law and Celestial Property Rights
Journal of Air Law and Commerce
What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Knowledge Problems in Monetary Policy
Contemporary Economic Policy (with Daniel Smith)
Constitutional Drift and Political Dysfunction: Underappreciated Maladies of the Political
The Independent Review
Private Governance and the Pricing of Political Enterprises
Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis (with Glenn Furton)
Polycentric Banking and Macroeconomic Stability
Business and Politics (with Vlad Tarko)
Extended Shareholder Liability as a Means to Constrain Moral Hazard in Insured Banks
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (with Vipin Veetil and Lawrence H. White)
Money and the Rule of Law
The Review of Austrian Economics (with Glenn Furton)
Some Political Economy of Monetary Rules
The Independent Review
Strategic Offsetting Behavior in the NBA: The Case of the Mikan Rule
Journal of Sports Economics
Playing at Markets: A New Austrian Perspective on Macroeconomic Policy
The Review of Austrian Economics
The View from Vienna: Analysis of Renewed Interest in the Mises-Hayek Theory of the
Business Cycle
The Review of Austrian Economics (with Nicolas Cachanosky)
Money, Liquidity, and the Structure of Production
Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control (with Joshua Hendrickson)
Post-Cameralist Governance: Towards a Robust Political Economy of Bureaucracy
Economic Affairs
A Theory of Why the Ruthless Revolt
Economics and Politics (with Joshua Hendrickson)
The Personal and the Political: Implications of Constitutional Entrepreneurship
NYU Journal of Law and Liberty
The Optimal Austrian Business Cycle Theory
Advances in Austrian Economics: Studies in Austrian Macroeconomics (with William Luther)
Space Debris: A Law and Economics Analysis of the Orbital Commons
Stanford Technology Law Review
Political Property Rights and Governance Outcomes: A Theory of the Corporate Polity
The Journal of Private Enterprise
Rights to the Realm: Reconsidering Western Political Development
American Political Science Review
Sovereignty as Exchange of Political Property Rights
Public Choice
Phone: (806) 834-8186
Offices: Administration 167B
Rawls College of Business NW307
Free Market Institute
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