Playas and Wetlands of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer

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Complete Database

The PWD contains 64,726 wetland features classified into one of eight wetland classes. The database can be downloaded as one complete file or as separate wetland subsets. The Playa and Unclassified Wetland features were combined into one layer for download. The Impoundments and Manmade features also were combined into one layer for download.


PWD Wetland Classes Number Description
Playa 21,893 Shallow depressional wetland, typically rounded and characterized by a hydric soil that represent a place of potential aquifer recharge*
Unclassified Wetland 14,445 Playa-like wetland feature without characteristic hydric soilin SSURGO Database
Riparian 13,442 Natural watercourse, channel or body of water
Lake 97 Fresh water body, natural or manmade, as a result of obstruction of a riparian feature. Larger than impoundments, typically 30 acres or larger
Impoundment 8,400 Small confined pooling or potential pooling of water within a riparian zone due to the creation of an earthen dam or structure
Manmade 6,215 Typically small excavations with straight sides
Saline Lake 39 Large, isolated wetlands in contact with groundwater creating a saline condition
Scrub or Other 185 Area with scrub, trees or other vegetation with evidence of saturated soil
Complete Database 64,726  

Database Subset

Playas / Unclassified Wetlands

Shallow depressional wetland, typically rounded

Riparian Features

Natural watercourse, channel or body of water


Fresh water body, natural or manmade, as a result of obstruction of a riparian feature

Scrub or Other

Area with scrub, trees or other vegetation with evidence of saturated soil

Saline Lakes

Large, isolated wetlands in contact with groundwater creating a saline condition

Impoundments / Manmade

Impoundments: Small pooling of water within a riparian zone due to an earthen dam or structure.
Manamde: A small excavation with straight sides