Teaching Effectiveness
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Information Sheet
What is this project studying?
We would like to know your opinion about one instructor so we can better understand
what students like about instructors.
What would I do if I participate?
You will be asked to answer some questions about an instructor after reading a short
biography of them.
How will I benefit from participating?
There will not be any direct benefit to participants.
Can I quit the survey at any time?
Yes, absolutely. Your participation is completely voluntary. You may skip any questions
you do not feel comfortable answering. Participating is your choice. However, we do
appreciate any answers you are able to provide during the survey.
How are you protecting my privacy?
Your responses will be collected online with no identifying information. Data will
be entered into a secure computerized database with no possible way to connect you
to an individual response.
If I have some questions about the survey, who can I ask?
The study is being conducted by Dr. Amy Boren-Alpizar from the Department of Agricultural
Education and Communications at Texas Tech University. If you have questions, you
can contact her via email at amy.boren-alpizar@ttu.edu
TTU has a Board that protects the rights of people who participate in this exercise. You can ask them questions at 806-742-2064. You can also mail your questions to the Human Research Protection Program, Office of the Vice President for Research, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409 or email them at hrpp@ttu.edu
Click here to access the survey
International Center for Food Industry Excellence
Texas Tech University, Animal and Food Science Building Box 42141 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2805 ext. 282 -