Texas Tech University

IMSE Quantum Computing Lab

As part of the Industrial, Manufacturing and System Engineering department, the IMSE Quantum Computing Lab has it focused on research of theoretical and applied quantum computing. Research interests vary from quantum algorithms and quantum optimization to quantum chemistry and one dimensional quantum systems.

On this webpage, you will find useful information about our research collaborators as well as their interests, recent quantum computing news, and about our associated research groups. 

We are currently open to collaborations and in case of interest, contact info is available at the end of the page.

Research topics
  • Quantum algorithms for optimization
  • Quantum walks
  • Topological Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Walk on the Generalized Birkhoff Polytope Graph

link: https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/23/10/1239

  • Dr. Ismael de Farias - IMSE Associate Professor

Phone: 806.742.3543

Email: Ismael.de-Farias@ttu.edu

Webpage: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/imse/faculty/ismael_regis_de_farias_jr/index.php

Research interest: Quantum information and computation, condensed matter physics, mathematical optimization

  • Dr. Jorge Morales - Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Professor

Phone: 806-834-3094

Email: jorge.morales@ttu.edu

Webpage: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/chemistry/Faculty/morales/

Research Interest: Quantum computing applied to quantum chemistry

  • Dr. Wade De Gottardi - Department of Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor

Phone: 806.742.3767

Email: wdegotta@ttu.edu

Webpage: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/phas/People/Faculty/bio_DeGottardi/DeGottardi.php

Research interest: One-dimensional quantum systems

  • Dr. Beth Thacker - Department of Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor
    Phone: (806) 834-2996

Email: Beth.Thacker@ttu.edu

Webpage: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/phas/People/Faculty/bio_thacker/bio_thacker.php

Research Interest: Quantum computing education

  • Quantum Information and Computation, IE 5331-005 Instructor: Dr. Ismael de Farias
  • Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Computing, CHEM 5343-001, Instructor: Dr. Jorge Morales
  • Introduction to Quantum Computing I, PHYS 4000-40, Instructor: Dr. Beth Thacker
  • Introduction to Quantum Computing II, PHYS 4000-42, Instructor: Dr. Beth Thacker
Seminar Series


Contact info

For more information about collaboration, publication or interest in quantum computing education, please contact Dr. Ismael de Farias, Ismael.de-Farias@ttu.edu