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Message from the CIO
Each Spring the TTU IT Division reminds you to include organizing and "cleaning up" your digital assets as a part of that activity. Spring cleaning presents an ideal opportunity for the TTU community to minimize digital clutter and securely dispose of paper records containing confidential or sensitive institutional information that is no longer needed (See OP 10.10: Records Retention). To assist with this task, we provide information on storage management and optimizing shared University resources. This issue also offers steps to maintain a clean computer in the challenging West Texas climate, including cleaning and sanitizing mobile devices. In addition to cleaning your devices, a reminder to review your social media presence as part of your digital spring cleaning. To help ensure that our digital assets are in order, we provide information about proper licensing for all software installed on University-owned devices. Finally, with an eye toward better organization, the Office of the CIO and IT Division would like to encourage everyone to visit the new IT project tracking site for the latest information about ongoing IT projects including information about the push to implement MFA (Multifactor Authentication) for Microsoft.
Keith Halman
Interim Vice President for IT and Chief Information Officer
IT Bulletin | Vol. 20 No. 4
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IT Departments
Information Technology Division
Texas Tech University, Office of the CIO, Box 42008, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806-742-5151 -
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