Field Research Program

Join an ongoing field research program of international volunteer crews working with professional staffs to conduct surveys, geoarchaeological prospecting, mapping, and excavations at the Lubbock Lake Landmark, Roland Spring Ranch and Post research areas.

Learn more about our field research volunteer opportunities on our Field Research Program page HERE

Other Volunteer Opportunities

The Landmark is dedicated to creating an environment that provides significant and creative experiences for all learners. Volunteers play a critical role in that experience. Their enthusiasm, expertise, and commitment to the Landmark and the community make visits enjoyable and memorable. In addition to our Volunteer Interpreter Program and Field Research Program, the following are a list of positions for which we regularly recruit volunteer assistance.

Those wishing to volunteer should call 806 742-1116 or email

volunteer leading a public program

Volunteer Interpreters

Volunteer Interpreters provide year-round guided programs and tours for school groups and other visitors to the Landmark. Special training is required.

More information on becoming a Volunteer Interpreter

Learning Center Interpreters

Assist education staff in the hands-on Learning Center with a variety of programs and activities. Special training is required, including training with interactives and manipulatives.

Traditional Craft and Technology Demonstrators

Present demonstrations and workshops for a variety of audiences at family festivals, educator workshops, and other events. Special training is required, including specialized work with specific crafts and technologies.

Speakers Bureau

Provide year-round outreach programs for community and regional business and civic organizations. Special training is required, including media training.

Nature Trail Interpreters

Assist visitors and school groups on the nature trails with plant and animal identification and regional environmental history. Specialized training is required.

Information Desk/Gift Shop

These volunteers provide assistance in the gift shop and at the information desk, answer questions about the Landmark and the Lubbock community. Training about the Landmark, its history, and services is provided.

Research Laboratory

Assist laboratory staff with object processing, including cleaning artifacts, object identification, and computerization. Opportunities in the Landmark's Quaternary Research Center and the Museum's Anthropology Division labs. Training is provided.

Trails and Grounds Maintenance

Brush to be cleared, flowers to be planted, grass to be mowed, trails to be monitored and maintained are a few of the outdoor tasks that wait for you if you wish to work with our Operations Department.

Youth Volunteers, Ages 13-18

Volunteers of all ages make many important contributions to our research, and the Landmark staff welcomes your participation in the process. Youth volunteers must be at least 13 years of age to participate. Younger volunteers generally are assigned lab and matrix washing duties. Field work (excavation) opportunities are available to youth 15 years of age and older.