Texas Tech University


[Date changed–posted 6/2/23 (last revised 6/4/19)]
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Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 01.04: Custodian of Public Records

DATE: June 2, 2023

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Texas Tech University Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to define the steps involved for the release of public information and collection of any charges for copies if a request should arise pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act.*

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in February of every fourth year by the Vice Chancellor and General Counsel of the Texas Tech University System with substantive revisions forwarded to the President. This OP will be reviewed again in 2027.


1.  The President has designated the Vice Chancellor and General Counsel for the Texas Tech University System (TTUS) as the Public Information Act Officer for public records for TTU. The Vice Chancellor and General Counsel is authorized to delegate the duties of the Public Information Act Officer to an attorney(s) within the Office of General Counsel.

2.  Consequently, TTU follows TTUS Regulation 07.01 regarding the handling of public requests and the assessment of any charges for fulfilling requests. TTUS Regulation 07.01 is available here.

3.  A request for public records should be made in writing and should specify the institution and the records or information sought. Emailed requests must be sent to publicinfo@ttu.edu to be considered valid.

4.  If a request is received by a TTU employee, the TTU employee shall immediately contact the TTUS Office of General Counsel at 806.742.2155 or forward the request by email to publicinfo@ttu.edu.

5.  Student education records are not public records and are generally prohibited from disclosure by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


* Tex. Govt. Code § 552.001, et seq.

Operating Policies & Procedures