Texas Tech University

OP Review


Texas Tech University's operating policies and procedures are reviewed via the university's online approval platform, Curriculog.

Please see the Curriculog OP Instructions for step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting for reviewing and approving OPs in Curriculog.

Initiating the Review Process

An OP may be requested for review at any time if the need arises. The person requesting the review should ask the Office of Official Publications to route the OP in Curriculog to initiate the process. This request can be made by using the Requesting an OP for Review form or by emailing Kaelene Hansen (Kaelene.M.Hansen@ttu.edu).

Once the request has been received, the Office of Official Publications will route the OP to the first person in the review paragraph unless otherwise indicated.

Additionally, each OP follows a regular review cycle as determined by the OP's review paragraph. When an OP is due for review, the Office of Official Publications will initiate the review process by routing it to the designated reviewers via Curriculog.

Review and Revision of an OP

The review of an OP will follow the order of reviewers outlined in the review paragraph of each OP. The reviewers should examine the draft OP carefully and make revisions where appropriate. If no additional substantive changes are needed, the reviewer will electronically approve the OP and the Office of Official Publications will forward the draft OP to the next reviewer.

Faculty Senate and Staff Senate will be included in the review of any OP whenever substantive revisions to the OP will directly affect them.

OPs are reissued with a new date after they are reviewed according to the OP's review paragraph and returned to the Office of Official Publications, even if no substantive changes have occurred.

For more information about the OP review process, see OP 10.01, Operating Policy and Procedure Manual for Texas Tech University.

Developing a New OP

Any faculty or staff member, department or other functional unit, official university committee or council, or administrator at Texas Tech University may propose a new operating policy or procedure. A new OP proposed by individual faculty or staff members should be discussed with the respective department or unit head. The department or unit head will confer with the next level administrator about the proposed OP and whether to advance it to the formal review process. For any proposed new OP, consultation with the appropriate administrative division (Office of the Provost, vice president, etc.) is usually advisable. If all parties to this point agree with formalizing the proposal, the draft of the new OP will be sent to the Office of Official Publications via email to implement formal review procedures.

Official Publications will assign a number to the new OP, enter it into the standard OP format, and develop an approval workflow via Curriculog. The new OP will then be reviewed according to its draft review paragraph (or as recommended by Official Publications), following the process described above.

Faculty Senate and Staff Senate will review any new OP that affects them. 

Once the draft OP has received final approval, the OP Office will publish the new OP online and notify the university community via TechAnnounce.

For more information about developing a new OP, see OP 10.01, Operating Policy and Procedure Manual for Texas Tech University.

Operating Policies & Procedures