Texas Tech University


[Date changed–posted 4/26/12 (replaces 7/16/08 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 02.05: Confidentiality of Information on the BSR/ADVANCE System

DATE: April 26, 2012

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to assert the confidential nature of the information contained on the ADVANCE System and to set forth the procedures to be used for access to the information.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the vice chancellor for institutional advancement.


1.  Confidentiality of Information

Information on the BSR/ADVANCE System maintained by the Office of Institutional Advancement is private and confidential and can be used only in compliance with this OP.

2. Access to Information

The information on the Texas Tech University (TTU) alumni and donor database is solely for use by employees of the TTU System and the Texas Tech Alumni Association. Unauthorized use of the information by any other person for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproducing and storing in a retrieval system by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, or using the information for any private, commercial, or political mailing or application, is strictly prohibited and constitutes misappropriation of private information. Use and misuse of this data is also governed by the standards contained in TTU
OP 52.04 and all applicable state and federal laws. Misuse of the information can lead to disciplinary action.

Employees are required to sign a confidentiality statement at the start of their employment. Before employees are allowed access to the BSR/ADVANCE System, the system will require the user to agree to the confidentiality of the in formation on the system each time the system is accessed.

3.  Release of Information

The release of information contained on the BSR/ADVANCE System is controlled through the Office of Institutional Advancement. All requests from outside the TTU System must be submitted in writing and must state specifically the information requested. All such requests must be reviewed by legal counsel. Information will be released in accordance with and as required by the Public Information Act of the state of Texas.

Operating Policies & Procedures