Texas Tech University


[Major revision–posted 7/15/24 (replaces 7/13/22 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 10.13: Strategic Planning and Assessment Reporting for Texas Tech University, Including All Academic Programs and Support Operations

DATE: July 15, 2024

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to ensure compliance with university policy regarding strategic planning and assessment reporting of all academic programs and support operations.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, the Managing Director of the Office of Planning and Assessment, and the Provost and Senior Vice President (PSVP) with substantive revisions presented to the President.


1.  Policy

The university, including all colleges, departments, academic degree programs, and administrative, academic, and student support operations, is engaged in an ongoing and comprehensive process of planning and evaluation.

a.    The Office of the Provost and the Office of Planning and Assessment are responsible for coordinating and facilitating the university's assessment process. Additionally, the Office of Planning and Assessment provides educational opportunities and resources related to planning, evaluation, and institutional effectiveness. Faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in educational opportunities to ensure compliance with planning and assessment expectations.

b.    As necessary, the President will appoint a strategic planning committee that advises in the development and supervision of the strategic planning efforts and considers matters pertaining to strategic planning, including an ongoing review of and suggested revisions to the university's strategic planning procedures.

c.    The Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness advises the PSVP on matters pertaining to institutional effectiveness.

d.    Academic programs, including program content, quality, and assessment, are the primary responsibility of the faculty within the academic disciplines. Assessments of course-level and program-level student learning outcomes are included in the departments' annual assessment reports.

e.    The Core Curriculum Committee is responsible for planning and outcomes assessment of the general education core curriculum. The Office of Planning and Assessment supports the Core Curriculum Committee on assessment-related activities.

f.    Academic department chairs, deans, and the PSVP are responsible for ensuring that academic programs are appropriately organized and outcomes of student learning are assessed annually for program improvement.

g.    Academic department chairs, deans, and the PSVP are responsible for oversight of all budgetary and operational aspects of academic departments and/or colleges, including the assessments for those departments and/or colleges.

h.    Vice presidents and other administrators for all support operations are responsible for ensuring that their areas and units are engaged in assessment on a regular and systematic basis.

i.   Strategic planning and assessment are linked to budget and decision-making processes. The Chief Financial Officer advises the President on issues related to budget and planning and coordinates budget recommendations with planning and assessment outcomes.

2.  Procedures

a.    Academic Assessment

• By October 1 of each academic year, academic degree programs must update (1) student learning outcomes, when appropriate, (2) methods of assessment, when appropriate, (3) results of assessments, and (4) annual program reflections.

• Once a degree program has submitted updated student learning outcomes assessment data, a member of the Office of Planning and Assessment will meet with the degree program coordinator or department chairperson to review data and provide feedback.

b.    Non-Academic Assessment

• By October 15 of each academic year, applicable offices/units must update in their program's assessment plan: (1) outcomes/goals, (2) methods to assess the achievement of the outcomes/goals, (3) thresholds for achievement of the outcomes/goals, (4) analysis of assessment data to determine actions for improvement, and (5) annual program reflections.

• After an office/unit has submitted updated outcomes assessment data, a member of the Office of Planning and Assessment will meet with the office/unit coordinator to review data and provide feedback.

c.    Faculty Qualifications

• Faculty are responsible for retaining a record of credentials for Texas HB 2504 and SACSCOC Faculty Roster purposes. Qualifications include a full listing of all earned degrees, relevant academic positions, significant publications, as well as awards and honors that showcase faculty expertise to be a course instructor of record.

• Faculty maintain qualifications by updating, on an annual basis, current academic achievements to ensure an accurate and up-to-date academic record.

Operating Policies & Procedures