Texas Tech University


[Major revision–posted 2/7/24 (replaces 9/12/18 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 30.04: Texas Tech University Councils

DATE: February 7, 2024

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to define the role, responsibility, and membership of the Academic, Online Learning, Graduate, Honors and Awards, International Affairs, Provost, Research & Innovation Ambassadors, Strategic Planning, and Advising Councils.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Vice Provost for Administrative Affairs with substantive revisions presented to the Provost and Senior Vice President (PSVP).


1.  Academic Council

The Academic Council serves in an advisory capacity to the PSVP on academic matters. The Council provides leadership in determining academic policies, procedures, and priorities. Among a variety of issues, the Council considers requests for new academic programs and recommends course additions, changes, and deletions.

The Academic Council is composed of the Vice Provost for Administrative Affairs, Vice Provost for TTU Online, Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Vice Provost for Student Life, Vice Provost for Faculty Success, Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Student Success, associate deans from each school and college, the Faculty Athletics Representative, the Associate Athletics Director for Academic Services, and representatives from Student Life, the Registrar, Institutional Research, Official Publications, International Affairs, Library, Museum, and the Vice President for Research & Innovation. The Faculty Senate, the Staff Senate, and the Student Government Association appoint a representative each year as a member of the Academic Council. The Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness chairs the Council.

2.  Online Learning Council

The Online Learning Council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Provost regarding matters related to distance education. The Council provides leadership in determining academic policies, procedures, and priorities concerning distance education. As a first step in the review process for distance education programs, the Council reviews proposals for online and off-campus degrees, certificate programs, minors, and concentrations. In addition, the Council also presents topics of interest regarding distance education as well as reviews potential new technology for distance education.

Voting members consist of the appointed representative from each academic college or school (under a dean) and the three areas of the Office of the Provost that support distance learning: Student Life, Faculty Success, and Academic Innovation and Student Success. The Online Learning Council chair serves as a tie-breaking vote if necessary.

Ex officio membership consists of TTU Online leadership and one member each from the following areas: Institutional Research, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Office of Planning and Assessment, Information Technology Division, Undergraduate Admissions, Office of the Registrar, and Communications & Marketing.

3.  Graduate Council

The Graduate Council serves in an advisory capacity to the PSVP on graduate education matters. The Council provides leadership in approving proposed graduate programs and curricula, approving membership on the graduate faculty, approving students for doctoral candidacy, setting admissions standards, and formulating other policies to advance the quality of graduate education at Texas Tech University.

The Graduate Council is composed of 14 voting members. The graduate faculty elects 11 members (three-year, non-renewable terms), the Graduate Dean appoints two (two-year terms), and the Faculty Senate elects one from its graduate faculty membership (one-year, renewable term). The Graduate Dean is ex officio and chairs the Council. Other ex officio members include the following: the Provost (or designee), associate deans, and representatives from the Library, the Law School, the School of Veterinary Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, and others appointed by the Dean. The Graduate Vice President for the Student Government Association and the President of the Graduate Assembly also serve as ex officio members.

4.  Honors and Awards Council

The Honors and Awards Council (1) makes recommendations for methods and procedures that will provide recognition and awards for personnel who have earned distinction for service and achievement and (2), when asked, reviews nominations and recommends recipients for specific awards and honors.

The President will make appointments from nominations received and under standard procedures. Terms of service are three years for faculty and one year for the student. Faculty may be reappointed to consecutive terms if the first term was to fill a vacancy (portion of a term). The Council will elect its chairperson annually from the faculty members in the final year of service.

5.  International Affairs Council

The International Affairs Council serves as the conduit between campus units for the university’s global initiatives and develops policies on international programs and campus internationalization.

The International Affairs Council is composed of:

a.    One representative from the Office of the President;

b.    One representative and one alternate from each college (at the dean or the associate dean level);

c.    One representative from each of the following offices of vice provosts: Academic Innovation and Student Success, Faculty Success, and Outreach & Engagement;

d.    One representative of the Office of the Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance and Chief Financial Officer;

e.    One representative from the Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation; and

f.    The Vice Provost for International Affairs and the Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs.

The Vice Provost for International Affairs or, in her/his absence, the Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs will serve as chairperson.

6.  Provost Council

The Provost Council provides leadership in determining academic policies and procedures and recommends requests for new degree programs. This body is also active in developing long-range plans for the university.

The Provost Council has as members the deans of the schools, colleges, and libraries; the vice provosts; the Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance and Chief Financial Officer; the Vice President for Research & Innovation; the Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer; the Vice President for Enrollment Management; the President of the Faculty Senate; the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Teaching Academy; and the Vice President for Marketing & Communications. The PSVP chairs the Council.

7.  Research & Innovation Ambassadors

The Research & Innovation Ambassadors (RIA) is a formal standing Council of Texas Tech University (TTU), and its principal mission is to provide advice and input to the Vice President for Research & Innovation (VPR) to advance the research enterprise. The purpose of RIA is to assist the VPR and the institution in meeting research, creative activity, and scholarship strategic priorities, particularly as they relate to the TTU Strategic Plan for Research, by engaging in open discussion to support and enhance TTU research.

RIA is chaired by the Vice President for Research & Innovation and comprised of the associate deans for research for all colleges, schools, and libraries throughout their appointment as well as the Faculty Senate President or selected delegate.

8.  Strategic Planning Council

The Strategic Planning Council is an ad hoc Council that is convened at the request of the President. The President will give the charge to the Council when they first convene. That charge will include deliverables.

Members of the Strategic Planning Council will be appointed by the President in consultation with the Provost. Representation of key faculty, student, and staff interests will be considered in appointing members. There will be no requisite number of members nor length of membership. The Provost is to serve as chairperson of the Strategic Planning Council.

9.  Advising Council

The Advising Council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Provost regarding matters related to academic advising. The Council provides leadership in determining academic advising policies, procedures, and priorities concerning advising practices at Texas Tech University. The Council also will serve as a voice for the academic advising community, collect and share academic advising best practices, review student advising data to identify trends and forecast future student needs, develop policies and procedures related to academic and career advising, provide recommendations on improving transfer student experiences, and provide oversight for recognition and professional development activities for the academic advisors.

Voting members shall consist of appointed representatives from each undergraduate degree-granting academic college or equivalent unit (e.g., University Advising, TTU Regional Sites and TTU Online representative, and University Studies). Ex officio members include representatives from the Office of the Provost, Transfer Advising, Athletic Academic Services, Student Government Association, and the Office of the Registrar. Other members may be added by the Office of the Provost as needed.

Appointments will be made by the Provost based on nominations received from academic colleges. Terms of service are three years. Voting members may be reappointed to consecutive terms if the first term was to fill a vacancy (a portion of a term). The Texas Tech Advising Council will meet on the first Thursday of each month. The Assistant Vice Provost for Academic & Career Advising will serve as convener for the Advising Council.

Operating Policies & Procedures