Texas Tech University


[Minor revision–posted 2/15/19 (replaces 9/12/18 edition)]
[Updated reference to Senior Vice Provost–1/31/23; no additional change to OP]
[PDF Version]

 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 30.15: Academic Administrator Evaluation

DATE: February 15, 2019

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to establish guidelines and procedures for performance evaluations of academic administrators. Although evaluation of administrators is a continuous process, guidelines for routine collection of data to support that process are necessary. It is understood that units may develop, in addition to this or a similar instrument, other means of assessment to assist administrators to improve their performance.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Vice Provost for Administrative Affairs with substantive revisions presented to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (PSVP) by April 15.


1.  Background

The procedure described in this policy will provide the President, PSVP, or dean, as appropriate, and the individual being reviewed with an assessment of the strengths and areas needing improvement in the leadership and administrative performance of the individual being reviewed.

2.  Criteria

The overall criteria will be the level of performance in leadership and administrative skills generally acceptable for administrators in similar positions in institutions of higher education comparable to this university. The data from all available Faculty Senate-administered administrator evaluations (www.depts.ttu.edu/irim/SurveyResults/AdministratorEvaluation/) will be consulted during this review.

3.  Procedure

a.    Provost/Senior Vice President

The PSVP is appointed by the President and serves at the pleasure of the President without tenure in the administrative appointment. This person reports directly to the President, to whom he/she is responsible for the instructional, research, and support programs of the university and the administration of colleges, schools, and programs.

The President will consult the data available from the Faculty Senate-administered Administrator Evaluation Survey that addresses the PSVP's performance.

b.    Vice Provosts, Associate or Assistant Vice Presidents, and Associate or Assistant Vice Provosts

The vice provosts, associate and assistant vice presidents, and associate and assistant vice provosts are appointed by the PSVP and serve at her/his pleasure without tenure in the administrative appointment. These persons report directly to the PSVP. Input may be solicited from other vice presidents, deans and associate deans of the colleges and schools, directors of subordinate units, faculty, and others, as appropriate.

c.    Academic Deans and Directors

Academic deans and directors are the principal administrators of their particular units: colleges, schools, museum, library, etc. They serve in their administrative capacities without tenure and at the discretion of the PSVP.

The PSVP will evaluate the dean or director's performance annually. The PSVP may solicit input from associate deans, chairpersons, faculty, and others, as appropriate. The PSVP will consult the data available from the Faculty Senate-administered Administrator Evaluation Survey that addresses the dean or director's performance.

d.    Associate and Assistant Deans, Department Chairpersons, School Directors, Area Coordinators

These individuals serve the deans or directors in their administrative capacities without tenure and at the discretion of the immediate supervisor. Each associate and assistant dean and department chairperson, school director, and area coordinator will be reviewed annually. In addition, the dean will solicit input from all tenured and tenure-track faculty in that college or department and consult the data available from the Faculty Senate-administered Administrator Evaluation Survey. Input may also be solicited from others as deemed appropriate.

Operating Policies & Procedures