Texas Tech University


[Minor revision–posted 11/2/23 (replaces 8/16/21 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 32.21: The Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Research Award

DATE: November 2, 2023

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to establish the policy that governs the selection of recipients of the Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Research Award.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Vice President for Research & Innovation (VPR) with substantive revisions forwarded through the President of Texas Tech University to the Chancellor.


1.  Description

The Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Research Award is designed to recognize outstanding research, scholarship, and creative activity of faculty members in the developmental stages of their careers. The award will be bestowed only when merited; thus, there may be years when the award is not given. This award will be presented to no more than four recipients per academic year. Two awards will be given in each of two categories: (1) science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines; and (2) social science, humanities, and creative arts disciplines. The four awards will be accompanied by a cash prize of $5,000 each.

2.  Nomination Procedure

a.    Each college may nominate one faculty member identified through a procedure determined by that college, except that the College of Arts & Sciences may submit two nominees: one from the science, technology, and mathematics disciplines and one from the social science, humanities, and creative arts disciplines. Nominations shall be submitted online at https://ttu.infoready4.com/.

b.    The dean of each college shall also provide to the Office of Research & Innovation (OR&I) the names of two of the college’s distinguished professors who are willing to serve as members of the selection committees. Those professors, along with the associate deans for research and former winners of this award, will comprise a pool from which the VPR will appoint two selection committees (one for the STEM disciplines and one for the social science, humanities, and creative arts disciplines). Each committee will be composed of at least five to seven individuals with representation from colleges of all eligible applicants. The selection committees shall meet and consider the nominations. After consideration of the nominations, the committees will determine whether the award will be given and, if so, recommend recipients to the VPR. The VPR shall forward these recommendations to the Chancellor.

3.  Eligibility and Criteria for Selection

a.    Eligibility

Eligibility is limited to faculty members who, at the time nominations are due to the OR&I, have been in tenured or tenure-track positions at Texas Tech University for no less than three years as of the beginning of the current fall semester and who were awarded the terminal degree no more than 12 years prior to the beginning of the current fall semester.

Full professors are not eligible.

An individual may receive this award only one time.

b.    Criteria

Recipients will be individuals who have achieved national or international recognition, as judged by one or more of the following measures. More weight will be assigned to work that was conducted while the nominee was a member of the Texas Tech faculty and resulted in recognition for Texas Tech than work done elsewhere. Internal awards will not be considered.

(1)   In the STEM category, reviewers will evaluate the following criteria:

(a)    Publications in the highest-ranked peer-reviewed journals and academic book publishers according to the discipline;

(b)    Prestigious external fellowships, awards/prizes, and other honors;

(c)    Invited presentations at symposia (or their equivalent) at major national or international professional meetings;

(d)    Service on editorial boards (or their equivalent) for nationally or internationally recognized journals or review panels (e.g., funding and professional organizations);

(e)    Peer-reviewed externally funded research;

(f)    Patents, patent applications, and license agreements;

(g)    National academy panels, study sections within funding agencies, and roadmapping/strategic planning with agencies;

(h)    Other measures and accomplishments appropriate to the individual’s discipline, which should be addressed in the letters of support and nomination; and

(i)    Grant proposals under review and grant proposals submitted and declined within the past three years. Note: This information will be retrieved by the OR&I and does not have to be included in the nomination packet.

(2)    In the social science, humanities, and creative arts category, reviewers will evaluate the following criteria:

(a)    Publications in the highest-ranked peer-reviewed journals and academic book publishers according to the discipline;

(b)    Prestigious external fellowships, awards/prizes, and other honors;

(c)    Creative work presented in nationally and internationally recognized venues (juried exhibitions, performances, etc.);

(d)    Invited presentations at symposia (or their equivalent) at major national or international professional meetings;

(e)    Service on editorial boards (or their equivalent) for nationally or internationally recognized journals or national review panels (e.g., funding and professional organizations);

(f)    Peer-reviewed externally funded research or creative activity; and

(g)    Other measures and accomplishments appropriate to the individual’s discipline, which should be addressed in the letters of support and nomination.


Attachment A: Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Research Award Nomination Form

Operating Policies & Procedures