Texas Tech University


[Date changed–posted 3/2/21 (last revision 8/20/14)]
[Updated reference to Senior Vice Provost–1/31/23; no additional change to OP]
[PDF Version]

 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 34.09: Degree Requirements

DATE: March 2, 2021

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to ensure understanding and standardized procedures concerning degree requirements.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Student Success and the Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness with substantive revisions presented to the Provost and Senior Vice President.


1.  Policy

a.    To complete any degree at Texas Tech University, undergraduate or graduate, a student must meet all requirements for such a degree, including those specifically designated by the Legislature of the state of Texas.

b.    A student must successfully complete a minimum of 120 semester credit hours (SCH) to receive an undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University. Some undergraduate degree programs may be authorized to require more than 120 SCH.

c.    Each undergraduate degree program must ensure that a minimum of 25 percent of all course hours in the major are taught by faculty holding an appropriate terminal degree, in accordance with SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation (2012), or the appropriate subsequent SACSCOC standard. The terminal degree generally represents the most advanced degree available within an academic discipline, and it should comply with any stated policies regarding identification of the terminal degree promulgated by a discipline-specific professional organization or accreditor.

2.  Procedure

a.    Upon completion of degree requirements as set by the various colleges, the dean certifies such completion to the Office of the Registrar. Any student receiving a degree from Texas Tech University must complete at least 25 percent of degree requirements at this institution.

b.    Degrees are officially conferred by the President of the university under the authority of the Board of Regents upon certification by the faculty and deans.

c.    The Office of the Registrar prepares and maintains the appropriate transcripts and records. During the graduation period in which no formal ceremony is conducted, the Office of the Registrar, with the dean's certification, will arrange for delivery of the diploma to the graduate.

d.    Graduates are listed in the official commencement programs following each graduation ceremony.

Operating Policies & Procedures